Request For Construction of FHH Clinics in Baghlan and Badakhshan Provinces in three (3) lots

The Aga Khan Health Services-Afghanistan (AKHS-A) invites sealed bids from eligible construction companies for the procurement package, Construction of FHH Clinics in Baghlan and Badakhshan Provinces in three (3) lots.

Procuring Entity: Aga Khan Health Services, Afghanistan (AKHS, A)

Package name: Construction of FHH Clinics in Baghlan and Badakhshan Provinces in three (3) lots.

Package Ref#: NCB/W/0094/2024/Re

Announcement Date: 30/April/2024
Bid Submission Deadline: On or before 19/May/2024 at 10:00 AM (Kabul Time)


Bidders can collect the soft copy of the bidding document from AKHS, A national program office at House 42, Behind Kabul Municipality Apartments, Klola Pushta, District 4, Kabul, Afghanistan on official days ( Sunday to Thursday). 

The address for bid submission is House 42, Behind Kabul Municipality Apartments, Klola Pushta, District 4, Kabul, Afghanistan at 10:00 AM, 19/May/2024.

Note: For more information about the bidding process ( terms and conditioins and quilfication requirments ) Please find the ITT from the below link: